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Thursday, July 19, 2012

This is my Graduation Story...

This is my Graduation Story...

Yesterday, I went to the Grad Water Party in my teeny tankini.

I invited my little brother

...and my baby brother

....AND my big brother (he's the one coming down the slide.)

My little brothers and I liked the picnic the best.
We love to lay in the shade. That's our dad!

All the while, my big brother was sliding. He's fearless and fun!

Our blanket was next to next to one of my favorite places in the world, the sandbox.

Emme's Picnic Menu!
We had our favorite snacks: sunny delight, milk, fruit roll ups and 2 kinds of goldfish crackers.YUM!

I'm soooo sleepy and my face is sunburned under my right eye.
Maybe I partied too hard yesterday.

I'm excited! Today's my big day. I'm Graduating from preschool.

Walking into the ceremony with my teachers and classmates.

Boys wore blue caps and gowns, girls wore white.

My graduating class had one other girl in it.

I love my dress, but it was really hot.

Maybe its not as hot down here...

Back in my chair....for now...

It is hot!
I'm just gonna dangle my legs off the edge and hike up my skirt.

Down stage center....I'm done with the chair.

My diploma can come to me. I'm not budging.


I'm in the audience now. My hairbow has an 'E' bottlecap on it.
My mom wore a necklace with a matching 'E' bottlecap.

Puffy sweet little dress. "Mom, I'm hot. I wanna change my clothes!"

Award ceremony dress. I was awarded a fashion award!

My award featured a photo of me in my clown outfit and makeup.
My teachers unanimously voted it their favorite of all my outfits from the entire 2 years I was at preschool.

My award came with a prize bag and a candy lei my teachers made me.