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Monday, August 20, 2012

Mad Hatter " Eat Me's"

Alice in Wonderland or Mad Hatter's Tea Party can be great themes for a spectrum saavy kid party. Treats labled 'eat me' and 'drink me' really speak to spectrum guests that value instruction and labels, such as kids that have participated in discreit trials, ABA therapy, or use PECS.  Treats like these, plated with like-items in repetitive, clean lines are visually appealling, less confusing/intimidating, and easier to visually navigate, which will encourage kids to try new items and feel more apt at serving themselves, a life skill AND social skill.

PECS or ASL images can also be added to labels or tables as needed.

Drinks can be labeled "drink me." Take homes can be labeled "take me." 
You can even set up stations like "play me," "make me," "try me," "use me," etc. For a lot of children with Autism, its much easier to get started if the objects comes with its own precision command! 

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